November 12, 2010

Girls' Night

Just as I was starting to type the wailing began.  She was squirming around in her bed, crying in her sleep, and farting.  I rubbed Jill's back but she evenually jolted her head upright, hungry and ready for some Mom time.  Tonight was girls' night.  Tony went to his brother-in-law's (aka Uncle Chris) surprise 30th birthday party in Portland, ME after work.  The thought crossed my mind to keep Jill up a little bit longer - 20 minutes even - because she was being so interactive tonight.  We were having a really good time!  But Jill took care of that 3.5 hours later when she woke up.  Extra time with Mommy!  I honestly didn't mind it tonight.  By Friday afternoon, I want to soak up all the time with her that I can.  By Friday afternoon, she is dead to the world and just wants to crash!

Jill's growing up before our eyes.  Her teachers talked to us this week about Jill moving into the infant/toddler room soon.  What?!  My baby is graduating already?  When did this happen?  Jill started napping on a mat this week.  I can't even believe it!

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