July 16, 2012

The Musante Zoo

OMG.  I'm not a very good blogger lately, am I?  Things have been hectic in the Musante household.  After many bags of trash and donated clothing, and trips to my Mom's basement and Heidi's garage, our house was ready to be placed on the market.  No need for detail on Tony's case of the shingles and my anxiety attack, but they're probably both due to that!  We also found a home we love in Berkley, which is much closer to my family and friends.  The commute to work for both of us will be a challenge but it will be worth it.  Hopefully the timing will work out and we'll be in a bigger home in plenty of time for the holidays.

We were able to get out on the boat this weekend, and for an overnight at that.  Jill did very well and had a blast playing with Cole.  She had so much fun, in fact, that she did not want to go to bed Saturday night.  I told Tony he could "go hang" with the others while I kept reading to Miss Jill.  And to that Jill whined, "I wanna go hangggggg, Mumma.  I wanna hang."  We both had to hide our faces while we laughed. 

My Mom asked Jill on Sunday night if she had fun on the boat.  Jill replied, "It was wonderful.  We went so fast!"  My Mom was so excited by the use of the three syllable adjective that she asked Jill to repeat herself.  hahah I wish I was there to hear how proud she was to do so!

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