April 26, 2011

A Salute to 'Single' Parents

I got to work on time this morning AND I brushed my teeth. My kid even brushed her teeth and had breakfast and lunch packed. How awesome am I? Not that awesome; I showered last night.

Tony left in the very early hours (3:30? 3:45? I wasn’t really conscious) to drive to New Jersey for work. He laid his clothes out last night and didn’t make much noise. I drifted in and out but could vaguely hear him getting ready in the background. I thought about getting up to jump on the elliptical and shower but the motivation wasn’t there. Only crazy people get up this early. Or Tony. Or my friend Sarah who works in her family's bakery. Or morning news anchors. So I fell back into a deep sleep and woke up only a few minutes before the alarm was set to go off. Jump in the shower? What if Jill wakes up? I opted to wash my face and reapply deodorant. A good excuse to run at lunch then shower (5 miles - the longest yet!).

And so the morning of single parenthood began. We cuddled on the couch with her bottle of milk. We brushed our teeth together. Jill pretended to apply blush. I pointed out the different color clothes hangers while she played on the bed and I dressed. She smothered poor Rachael on her dog bed while I threw on my socks and shoes. We did everything together.

Sole responsibility was fun but not easy! How do single parents do it? When do they shower? Do they eat home-cooked meals or just make extra finger foods of whatever their son of daughter is having? What about families with multiple children? I’m so impressed by these do-it-all Moms and Dads! Of course it's not just "single" parents. Moms and Dads who juggle their significant others' work travel, demanding work or school schedule or military service (especially exercises and deployments) never cease to amaze me. Stay-at-home Moms/Dads is for another post. That's a whole other level of amazement!

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