April 16, 2011


Brown eyes.  Light brown hair.  Tall thin build.  All traits passed on from Dad.  What did Jill inherit from her Mom?  She is a clutz.

While making a nest at school on Wednesday (really this looked like a pile of sticks and grass on a paper plate), Jill somehow managed to poke herself in the cheek.  Another incident report to sign at pick-up.  Incident reports are better than accident reports, Miss Sandra reminded me the following morning.  Accident reports involve other children.  Jill's last accident report detailed a bite on her finger.  That's what happens when you stick your finger in your buddy's mouth.  Looks just like a French fry, Miss Cindy joked.  School was full of fun activities this week to celebrate the Week of the Young Child.  Jill tried ice cream for the first time at a sundae party on Thursday.  She used her spoon very well, Miss Michelle said, and enjoyed her sundae.  That must be genetic too, passed on from Mom.

If you've spent any amount of time around me, my Mom (or worse) both of us, you know that we have a "problem" fully closing things like drawers, cabinets and fridges.  We also tend to place caps and lids on food items like salad dressing and OJ rather than securing it or screwing on the cap.  We are notorious for this.  It drives Tony insane.  Jill is the opposite.  She's almost obsessive about shutting the fridge, kitchen cabinets and back door.  We laugh every time she does it and say .... we know who she didn't get that from!

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